A Story of Dreaming Big. Living Big, and Learning from Failure
Having failed the third grade, survived a traumatic car crash at 16 that led him to study theology and God in college, then moved to Hollywood to work with celebrities, before chasing the love of his life to Italy and filming a documentary in the Himalayas, the author has had experiences that have profoundly shaped his worldview. These experiences of venturing into the unknown have, over time, helped him carve a path and build a roadmap for transforming dreams into reality and understanding the value derived from those choices. Now, for the first time ever, he is sharing those experiences in an entertaining, enthralling, and jaw-dropping story that is bound to inspire you to dream big, take risks, and follow the path between the known and the unknown in your own life.
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"Most of my youth was living the next house down from Barry Walton...the incredible imagination and extremely colorful creativity I saw constantly radiating out of the enormous personality of Barry was inspiring and has impacted me in significant ways throughout my entire life; so many decades later."
- Brian Leman, Childhood Friend, Marine; Desert Storm
"Barry Walton is a true adventurer. In the Himalayas I witnessed him relentlessly pursuing his craft, trying to get “the shot” whether that was in a crushing snow storm at 18,000 ft or on the back of a motorcycle...his passion for capturing and recording humans testing their potential in extreme circumstances is remarkable."
- Molly Sheridan, Author & Ultra Runner
"Looking back, I realize that during the filming of 'The Violin Ghetto', Barry was trying to uncover the meaning behind the most radical and courageous life choices...and to pursue their passions."
- Giorgio Priori, Director of "The Violin Ghetto"
"Through the lens of his camera, Barry would weave a cinematic tapestry – two documentaries in all – that would immortalize the madness of The High."
- Rajat Chauhan, Race Director of La Ultra The High