What an amazing year!

How can you sum up an entire year in one photo? I cannot. I could not. I wish I could have every moment in here, but I randomly picked ones that made me smile and also made me look good. I mean, come on.
All that aside, I feel so lucky to have so many great friends and family in my life. I never would have guessed, when I started this company six years ago, that it would become what it is, which is just an opportunity to work with people I know and love. I consider myself lucky to be able to do what I do and am thankful that so many of you are part of that.
I wish you all a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year, and a great holiday season!
Here are some updates and announcements for what's coming up in 2024!

We are honored to announce that the EDC (Economic Development Commission) awarded us the opportunity to create the video surrounding and promoting the new brand for Brevard County and the Space Coast.
Join us at The King Center on January 24, 2024! Learn more: Register

We are excited to be screening (for the last time), "Scrubbed: The Age of Artemis" at the CenFlo Film Festival.
We do not have an official day, so stay tuned. General dates are between January 19 - 21.
More info here: CenFlo Film Festival

We are entered for three awards at the Space Coast American Advertising Federation.
Here are the three videos:
Join us at the event on February 2, 2024
Learn more: AAF Space Coast Awards

We were honored to be contacted by the Space Coast Bird & Wildlife Festival about sharing our piece Sounds of the Lagoon on their social channels.
Here's the piece on EGAD (Eau Gallie Art District): Sound of the Lagoon

One of the things I am most excited about is the upcoming release of our newest documentary, "Crossing Lines: A Journey of Resilience & Restoration".
We were able to raise funds this year to bring on a writer and motion graphics editor.
Look for more details, a trailer, and dates for festivals in 2024.