4th of July, Evel Knievel jump that you can drink too!
I’m not sure how you have been coping with the craziness of this period in time, but after returning from driving 8000-miles across the United States filming my new documentary, Empty America, I was looking for something new to do. I happened to get a call from friends at Altes Beer and Small Stone Records. They had an idea of doing an old school VHS style commercial with an epic throwback Evel Knievel toy. I was onboard. Building a couple of ramps, collecting a boat load of fireworks (including a military-grade smoke grenade), and unpacking enough beer cans for a lifetime of drinking, the stage was set. Now it was time to get Evel back in the air!
Check out the spot here.
After a day of filming on a hot parking lot, and drinking our share of Altes to supply a small nation of people, we had a throwback classic of epic jumps and crashes. The finale can only be rivaled by the red, white, and “brew’sed” dare devil himself. Full of keg tapping takeoffs, beer can collisions, and classic close-up crashes, the piece has the retro feel of an era of ‘greatness’ and simplicity so far removed from the complicated madness we are experiencing today. In the end, it finishes tragically for Evel, but glorious for the good ol’ U-S-(of)-A on this 4th of July dare devil classic.