SAIL Magazine, a new podcast interview and our docuseries.
SAIL Magazine publishes a story the our film and one of the best interviews I've given on Shooting the Breeze podcast...

Something big to you is BIG (the Santa Cruz Film Festival)
Can you recall a time in your life where you did something small, in comparison to the greatest of human achievements, that thrilled the hel

Make Life Great...a mantra against the thief of happiness.
Comparison is the thief of happiness to combat this one must celebrate their life and their accomplishments. This is a excerpt from my life

The power of hope... (film festival update)
Hope is a very powerful thing, do you agree? I mean hopes has been known to save lives, if only for the sake of hope. In the book Man's

That one person...
Have you ever been searching and working to get to that next place in life? Then you meet that one person, the missing link that brings...