Did you know 90% buy from companies they follow on social...3. ELEVATE CLIENTS WITH A CASE STUDY.

Florida and The First Boy in Space.
While unpacking my stuff, I uncovered one of my earliest and most original pieces of writing, and possibly one of the proudest moments...

Four Questions to Maximize Organic Search (SEO)
Here are the top four questions that any small business should be asking when evaluating their use of digital media.

We're moving south to Florida...that happened fast!
NASA, Space X, Blue Horizon watch out we're moving in. We will be moving to Melbourne, Florida as of October 17, 2020.Â

Something big to you is BIG (the Santa Cruz Film Festival)
Can you recall a time in your life where you did something small, in comparison to the greatest of human achievements, that thrilled the hel

The new age of business...I finally pieced it together.
This is something I have been thinking about and saying in private settings for some time now, and I finally found...

Make Life Great...a mantra against the thief of happiness.
Comparison is the thief of happiness to combat this one must celebrate their life and their accomplishments. This is a excerpt from my life

The power of hope... (film festival update)
Hope is a very powerful thing, do you agree? I mean hopes has been known to save lives, if only for the sake of hope. In the book Man's

I Completely Lost Focus...
You ever find yourself dreaming so hard of achieving great heights, that you become so focused on the goal and you forget why you are...

The wolves are at the door...
You see all those 'self-help' books and 'mind set' speeches are great to a point. In fact, I personally I love hearing them