Reaching Reality now on Amazon Prime! Would you be against watching and reviewing?
Reaching Reality now on Amazon Prime! Would you be against watching and reviewing? In the fall of last year our film, Reaching Reality...

What do you do to help see your world from a different perspective?
Each time I saw something that I wanted to see from the air, I would stop and fly. Flying up to a skyscraper, a steel bridge...

Who cares... (how you grow things)?
What do you wish there was more of in life? I ask because I have too often observed those things that make life sweet and done little to...

3 Tips for the Holidays "...well, well, you listen here Potter" - George Bailey
3 Tips for the Holidays that might be useful for you and bring some sanity.
1. HELP PEOPLE OUT: If there is one time of ...

Something big to you is BIG (the Santa Cruz Film Festival)
Can you recall a time in your life where you did something small, in comparison to the greatest of human achievements, that thrilled the hel

The new age of business...I finally pieced it together.
This is something I have been thinking about and saying in private settings for some time now, and I finally found...

Make Life Great...a mantra against the thief of happiness.
Comparison is the thief of happiness to combat this one must celebrate their life and their accomplishments. This is a excerpt from my life

The power of hope... (film festival update)
Hope is a very powerful thing, do you agree? I mean hopes has been known to save lives, if only for the sake of hope. In the book Man's

I Completely Lost Focus...
You ever find yourself dreaming so hard of achieving great heights, that you become so focused on the goal and you forget why you are...

The wolves are at the door...
You see all those 'self-help' books and 'mind set' speeches are great to a point. In fact, I personally I love hearing them